Paul Revere's Signal: the True Story of the Signal Lanterns in Christ Church, Boston

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Dr. Walter to Jonathan Simpson. Shelburne, N.S., 5 No- vember, 1790 : " At the same time the Proprietors of the North Church were in a strange dilemma." III. Jonathan Simpson to Dr. Walter, 2 March, 1791 : "I am ex- cessively mortified to hear that you have desir'd the Wardens of the North Church to procure you a house in their neighbourhood." " Nor had I any idea when I partially consented to an union with the North Church." " All the world (except the North Church people) consider you as enga...ged to us, nor must you blame us if we cannot consent to your residing with the North people." " I am sorry that the North Church take an undue advantage of our generosity in admitting them to an ■ union with us. If you give up your residence among us, it is my opinion that our Church will not be connected with the North Church." 10 ff " I see now I went too far in saying that we were willing to be con- nected with the North Church at all." IV. James Sherman and Charles Williams, Church Wardens.

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Paul Revere's Signal: the True Story of the Signal Lanterns in Christ Churc...
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