Peking & the Tulip Affair

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The book Peking & the Tulip Affair was written by author Here you can read free online of Peking & the Tulip Affair book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Peking & the Tulip Affair a good or bad book?
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"Let us stop for some tea and rice cakes." "A very good idea. Then we'll borrow a car and drive him off to the village and have some of those peasants bury him for us. It isn't right for a soldier to do manual labor." Lotus agreed with him, and they carried Nick's body into the mess hall, where they parked him on a bench. "You sit down here and I'll get the tea and cakes," Lotus told her companion.
    She went off, filled two mugs with tea, but didn't find any rice cakes. She did find a sharp k
...nife, which she hid in her uniform. She wasn't going to risk a rifle shot and it would be just as great a risk to try to kill him with her rifle butt.
    The first man she had killed had thought he was alone. She had been able to catch him off guard. It would be more difficult with this man, who knew he wasn't alone. It took precious seconds to raise a rifle and bring the butt forward. But a short jab with the knife was quick and took half the time. That was the way she had thought it out.

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