Pen And Lute

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The book Pen And Lute was written by author Here you can read free online of Pen And Lute book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Pen And Lute a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Pen And Lute book?
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White the foot, the dainty foot that fills it.
Like to Avax, a mould of kid within : Xot a break o'er all its polished plumpness, ]S"ot a spot upon the satin skin.
Creeping, now, my pet explores the carpet.
Picking specks, while others laugh and talk : Now it stands, and smiling trundles t' ward me.
With a droll, and tipsy little walk !
76 Refrains in the Minor.
Why should tears disturb so sweet a vision \ Ah I there' s one, who ne' er will ope the door, x\nd with eves all sparkling Avith affec
...tion, Catch thee, sweet ! and kiss thee o' er and o' er.
Thine no more that yonthful mother's kisses!
In her tomb, that looks toward the sea, Calm she sleejDS ; while all in vain thy father Strives to be, what she to thee wonld be.
Who could guide those doubtful little footsteps Through a world the Master found so dim — Who the quiet sidepath trace to Heaven, Like to her, Avho walked so near to Him ?
Close she pressed ! — so close He fondly took her By the hand, and led her to his home.
There she lives ; and through its starry lattice Watches, waits, for all her loves to come !

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