Penalty Clause

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He had already called Patty earlier that morning to let her know she was needed to cover for Debbie that day. At Sutton, they always had backup plans in place. When Andrew pulled into the parking garage at the office, Patty was just stepping out of her car.
    “Have you heard anything more from Bob? Is Debbie back at home?” Patty asked as they walked toward the elevator together.
    “No. I didn’t want to call too early today. We’ll send some flowers over to her this morning and then take a bre
...ak from the meeting to call her a little later,” Andrew said.
    When they stepped out of the elevator into the lobby of Sutton Capital, Andrew was surprised to see Theresa was already there. He and Debbie were usually the only ones to arrive at six o’clock unless, like today, Patty came in. The rest of the team would arrive in an hour or so.
    “Good morning, Theresa,” Andrew said. “What are you doing here so early?”

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