Perse: Satires

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Perse: Satires
Juvenal, Persius
The book Perse: Satires was written by author Here you can read free online of Perse: Satires book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Perse: Satires a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Perse: Satires book?
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Cede Palaemon, 220 Et patere inde aliquid decrescere, non aliter quam Institor hibernse tegetis niveique cadurci ; Dummodo non pereat medise quod noctis ab hora Sedisti, qua nemo faber, qua nemo sedebat Qui docet obliquo lanam deducere ferro; 225 Dummodo non pereat totidem olfecisse lucemas, Quot stabant pueri, quum totus decolor esset Flaccus , et haereret nigro fuligo Maroni.
Rara tamen merces, qus cognitione tribuni Non egeat. Sed vos saevas imponite leges, 230 Ut praeceptori verborum regula
... constet ; Ut legat historias, auctores noverit omnes Tanquam ungues digitosque suos, ut forte rogatus, Dum petit aut thermas aut Phoebi bahiea» dicat SAHRE YU. 345 poisse vous dire le nom de la nourrice d^AoGbige, 4« pays et 1e nom de la belle-mere d'Anch^molus ; com- hien Aceste vecut d'annees, combien i] donna d'outres

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