Poems And Translations

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Poems And Translations
Marvin, Frederic Rowland, 1847-1918
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The simple folk some pride In his rude work displayed, And o'er his grave they made This record carved in stone.
A little volume bound In paper, once I found — 'Twas all he left the world.
Beneath a chestnut tree Yonder a tomb I see, Of costly marble wrought, From distant quarry brought, And reared with vulgar pride, 52 Berkley Churchyard So strong it must abide When many years have flown.
Well is the story known, Recorded not in stone, But all remembered still.
His was the ruined mill, Whose b
...ones lie here at rest; And in that mill a chest Contained his hard-earned gold; Who 't was the secret told, Was never known. One night, By some strange oversight, Unlocked was left the door; We never knew much more, Only when morning broke, Dead upon his floor of oak The wealthy miller lay.
Who took the gold away, A secret to this day Remains. Yet one dark night, Some hand did boldly write Upon the snow-white shaft, A rude remorseful draft Of a confession, made With purpose to evade Disclosure, yet express Contrition and distress.

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