Poems, With a Memoir

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What reading level is Poems, With a Memoir book?
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Up. Oh, one of ten ! to infect the nine And make the devil a one be mine !
Oh, one ! to jib all day, God wot, When all the rest ■would go full trot !
One very little one, eh 1 to doubt with.
Just to pause, think, and look about with ?
In course ! you counted on no less — You thought it likely I'd say yes !
Bi. Be it then thus — since that it must, it seems.
Welcome, world, henceforth ; and farewell dreams !
Yet know, Mephisto, know, nor you nor I Can in this matter either sell or
... buy ; For the fee simple of this trilling lot To you or me, trust me, pertaineth not.
I can but render what is of my will, A.nd behind it somewhat remaineth still.
Oh, your sole chance was in the childish mind Whose darkness dreamed that vows like this could bind; Thinking all lost, it made all lost, and brought [n fact the ruin which had been but thought, riiank Heaven (or you) that's past these many years, And we have knowledge wiser than our fears.
So your poor bargain take, my man.
And make the best of it you can.

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Poems, With a Memoir
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