Poland : the Knight Among Nations

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Kos- ciuszko, 5th day of May, 1798." A strong friendship grew up between Kosci- uszko and Jefferson. The Pole was clever with his pencil, and always declared that one of the best things he ever did was a pastel of his Ameri- can friend. After the death of the Polish pa- triot, the aged Jefferson, then in his 75th year, stood before the court of Albemarle County, Vir- ginia, and declared that, owing to the infirmity of age, he could not carry out the provisions of the testament, but desired that... all Kosciuszko had wished be done. The will of the Polish pa- triot was in litigation for more than half a cen- tury, both in this country and in Europe.
Kosciuszko's services to his country were pri- marily those of the soldier, but the soldier com- pletely dominated by the patriot. After our Rev- olutionary War he returned to his native land and his property at Siechnowice. The liberal ideas of the times had fired his noble nature.
The dazzling ascendency of France, her cham- pionship of republican principles, the successful revolution of the former American colonies of Great Britain, the social and political ferment over all Europe that marked the close of the 18th century and the opening of the 19th with 163 POLAND: THE KNIGHT AMONG NATIONS so many triumphs of democracy and liberty — all appealed powerfully to the young idealist re- publican.

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