Political Eloquence in Greece : Demosthenes. With Extracts From His Orations, And a Critical Discussion of the "trial On the Crown"

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The book Political Eloquence in Greece : Demosthenes. With Extracts From His Orations, And a Critical Discussion of the "trial On the Crown" was written by author Here you can read free online of Political Eloquence in Greece : Demosthenes. With Extracts From His Orations, And a Critical Discussion of the "trial On the Crown" book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Political Eloquence in Greece : Demosthenes. With Extracts From His Orations, And a Critical Discussion of the "trial On the Crown" a good or bad book?
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He delighted his pupils and himself by reading his harangues, even the one which succumbed under Demosthenes' nobler effort. After hearing JEschines' accusation the audience cried out: "Ah ! how could you fail to triumph with such a speech ? " "Listen," responded the teacher, and he read to them Demos- thenes' reply. The admiration of his hearers was un- bounded. ' 'Ah ! What if you had heard the lion himself?"* Instead of blushing at Demosthenes' overwhelming refutation, he recited it publicly..., and even praised it * zi Se, si aliTou rod Orjptou dxrjxoetTE. Cicei'o (De Oratore, iii, 56) weakens the text in translating. Si audissetis ipsum.
OEATOEICAL CONTESTS. 289 with a light heart. He himself, an artist of the high- est order, found in Demosthenes' masterpiece the real- ization of a perfect art. He appreciated it as if he were a disinterested, reader. Clesides was renowned for an unfavorable picture which he painted of Queen Stratonice. Because that princess did not tender him an honorable reception he painted her rolling {volutan- tem) with a fisherman, with whom she was said to be too intimate.

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