Practical Fruit-Growing

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Practical Fruit-Growing
Cheal, Joseph
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— A large and fine currant, remarkably rich and sweet. The best for market cultivation. Car- ter's Champion is sometimes claimed to supersede it, but is certainly no improvement.
Black Naplfjs. — Large, and of good quality. At one time largely grown, but now superseded by Lee's Prolific' RED AND WHITE CURRANTS.
La Versailles. — Red ; very large fruit, and enormouij sized bunches. When well grown the berries arp nearly as large as a cherry, much superior in every way to the Dutch and Grape varie
...ties. Tree, a moderate grower.
Haughtox Castle. — Red; large size bunches, a very strong grower and moderate bearer.
White Gkape. — Large ; of first quality, good size bunches.
White Dutch. — Large and fine currant; berries of a good size, and forms a good bush.
RASPBERRIES, Carter's Prolific — ^Large and fine, of a dull red colour.
An enormous bearer, and altogether the most profitable variety to grow.
FASTOLFF.-^Medium ; bright red, and good quality Strong,: sturdy grower.
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