Prelude to a Wedding

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The book Prelude to a Wedding was written by author Here you can read free online of Prelude to a Wedding book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Prelude to a Wedding a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Prelude to a Wedding book?
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She stared, unfocused, at the wood panels, before giving a small shake to her head.
Don't be an idiot. What is there to be nervous about? You're going to go in there to straighten out Paul Monroe, once and for all. Make him see he can't tie Top-Line Temporaries into knots this way. Make him see he can't tie Bette Wharton into knots this way.
Methodically, she peeled off her leather gloves.
Who are you kidding? He did tie you in knots.
Maybe? You were a pretzel! Not an hour ago you were wi
...shing for just this chance to see him, to hear him and— let's be honest—to touch him. So here it is, now take it.
The hand she stretched out toward the door trembled a little, but she commanded it to grasp the knob and turn it slowly, smoothly. She must have succeeded because the door opened without a sound, and she was inside without betraying her presence to Paul.
He stood in front of the shelves to the left of his desk, consulting a volume so big he'd propped its open spine on the edge of a shelf.

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