Prescription: Marry Her Immediately

Cover Prescription: Marry Her Immediately
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said the fireman, studying the wreckage from the rain-drenched parking lot.
The tree had fallen straight across Amy’s roof, smashing shingles and the gutter. The fire-team members, their bright yellow slickers deflecting the downpour, had thrown a tarp over the roof to protect the contents from further damage, but it was clear the place would be unlivable for some time to come.
“How big do you make it?” Quent asked. “Twenty, thirty feet?”
“Hard to tell. You’ll need to get a private contractor ou
...t here to cut it up and haul it away, and you’ll need to board over that hole it made. I’d suggest you contact a roofer as soon as possible.” The man turned to talk to another firefighter.
The sheeting rain and stormy late-afternoon darkness diffused the lights of the rescue vehicles. Their flashing reds and haloed whites reflected eerily off the blacktop.
Holding the umbrella a neighbor had loaned them, Quent strolled to the overhang where Amy stood surveying the mess. “You wouldn’t happen to know a good roofer, would you?”

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Prescription: Marry Her Immediately
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