
Cover Pride
The book Pride was written by author Here you can read free online of Pride book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Pride a good or bad book?
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my father demanded, and I had to stand on my own foot to keep from scuffing my bare, freezing toes in the dirt. I hadn’t even had a chance to put shoes on before he marched down the stairs and out the back door, his very posture an unspoken command for me to follow. All the way to the woodpile stretched between two trees behind the main lodge.
“I was thinking about what Marc said earlier. Right now the council has no use for me—no reason to keep me alive. The best way I can help myself is to pro them wrong. To prove myself useful. Indispensable. So when Dr. Carver said she might calm down for another woman…”
My father’s scowl deepened.
Shit. I shouldn’t have mentioned Dr. Carver’s part in the whole thing. Now he would get his ass chewed, too.
“It’s not his fault, Daddy. He didn’t make me do it. No one did.” But that wouldn’t matter. If I went down, the doc would go down with me. And we probably wouldn’t be alone.
I stared into the skeletal branches overhead, trying to remember what I was originally getting at.

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