Principles of Microbiology: a Treatise On Bacterias Fungi And Protozoa Pathogenie for Domesticated Animals

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Principles of Microbiology: a Treatise On Bacterias Fungi And Protozoa Pathogenie for Domesticated Animals
Moore, Veranus Alva, 1859-1931
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Wochenschrlft, 1904.
• Burnett. Ann. Rept. N. Y. State Vet. College, 1910, p. 167.
Digitized by VjOOQIC HIGHER BACTERIA 363 into the air. These threads under the mieroseope are seen to consivSt of many spore-like bodies resembling streptococci. The growth becomes darker with time. Milk is coagulated in a few days and the coagulum completely digested. Litmus milk Fig. 77. Actinomyces pulmo- nalis. A photogroph from a preparation from a colony in the condensation water of an agar culture, 5 days
...old. Stained with carbol fuchsln. x 365 (Bur- nett).
remains clear. The cultures especially those on potato have a pronounced musty odor.
It is not pathogenic for rabbits or guinea pigs inoculated in the ear vein or abdominal cavity.
This organism is exceedingly interesting inasmuch as the lesions which it produces in cattle are liable to be mistaken for tubercle and , as already stated, the two cases from which it was first isolated were first diagnosed as tuberculosis. In these the lungs were the only organs examined.

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