Proceedings ... 44

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Proceedings ... 44
New York State Bar Association
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L 32 Liberty Street, New York 1919§Frueauff, Charles A 60 Wall street. New York 1920 Frye, William B Buffalo 1921 Fullen, William J 49 LaFayette street, New York 1912 Fuller, Paul, Jr 2 Rector street. New York 1919 Fuller, Thomas Staples 61 Broadway, New York 1913 Furman, George H Patchogue 1918 Furman, Herman Yonkers 1920§Furman, William L 84 Cotton Exchange, New York 1911 Furst, Michael 215 Montague street, Brooklyn 1915 Futrell, William H 32 Liberty street. New York 191 1 Gagan, Thomas Haver...straw 1916 Gaillard. William D 31 Nassau street, New York 1918 Gainsburg, I 258 Broadway, New York 1904 Gallagher, James Cleveland 1914 Gallagher, William M Cleveland 1913 Gallatin, Francis D 160 Broadway, New York 1914 Gallup, Earl H Albany 1916 Galston, Clarence G 49 Wall street, New York 1912§*Gannon, Frank S., Jr 2 Rector street, New York • Resldpnce in Second District.
fi Life member.
Digitized by VjOOQ IC MEMBERS 625 Elected 1911 Gannon, William P Syracuse 1913 Gans, Howard S 50 East 41st street, New York 1908*Gardincr, George H 15 Broad street, New York 1902 Gardlnier, William J Herkimer 1915 Gardner, Henry F Callicoon 1918 Gardner, Ivan A Middletown 1893 Gardner, John M 141 Broadway, New York 1915 Garrett, Thomas, Jr 15 Broad street.

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