Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Michigan Gas ..., Issue 22

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Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Michigan Gas ..., Issue 22
Michigan Gas Association
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As I have said before, there isn't a man of you who can get elected to any office in his home town. Now, what about im- proving the environment of the industry ? You see, the environ- ment of the industry will never be improved until you can be elected to the chief office in your home town. Why shouldn't you? Honest, hard working men, every one of you, earning your money just as honestly as any hod-carrier that ever hod- carried, and yet you are so unpopular that any fool in the town can be ele
...cted by the public quicker than you can, to any kind of office. Popularity is something that you only dream of but never experience.
Digitized by VjOOQ IC The public and gas corporations are natural friends. MIy fingier and my body are natural friends. Suppose I cut off that finger? What happens? Would the body not be worse off without the finger? I can't feed my body quite so well, because I have only got three fingers and a thumb on this hand, and the relations between the body and the finger and the gas corpora- tions and the public are just the same.

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Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Michigan Gas ..., Issue 22
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