Proceedings of the Bar of New York, in Memory of James W. Gerard

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In the struggle before the. jury he was always courteous to the Court and to his opponent. There was not a weak point in his adversary's case which he did not attack with vigor, and at the same time he never exposed any weak points in his own cause to his opponent. His knowledge of human nature, displayed in his examination of witnesses ; his genial humor and kind-heartedness, enliv- ening and brightening every step in the cause ; his style of putting himself perfectly en rapport with the jury ...; above all, his matchless tact, all combined to give command of the case and sweep him on to an ea,sy victory. One of his pecu- liarities was well expressed by the late Justice Nelson, that Mr. Gerard knew when to stop speaking to a jury. He had learned and profited by the lesson that Ctesiphon was driven into exile by the Spartans because he said he could speak all day on any subject. One of the strong points in his character was, that, while apparently trifling with the cause, he was constantly engaged in developing to the jury the essential facts in controversy.

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Proceedings of the Bar of New York, in Memory of James W. Gerard
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