Proceedings, volume 9

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Proceedings, volume 9
Natural Gas Association of America
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Batchelor, G. F May 19, 1914 President, The Natural Gas Company of West Vii^nia, 323 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Battin, Henry 8 May 21, 1912 Assistant General Superintendent, United Gas Improvement Company, Broad and Arch Streets, Philadelphia^ Penn- sylvania.
Bay, B. R May 16, 1917 Chief Engineer, The Medina Gas ft Fuel Company, 139 Dickson Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio.
Baxter, John May 21, 1912 Superintendent, Tube Department, Republic Iron and Steel Company. Toungstown, Ohio.
... C. J May 18, 1916 Purchasing Agent, Union Gas ft EBectric Company, Fourth and Plum Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Beach, Ralph A May 16, 1916 Assistant to Superintendent, T. W. Phillips Gas ft Oil Company, 120 Bast Cunningham Street, Butler, Pennsylvania.
Beardaley, R. D May 16, 1916 Assistant Treasurer, Hope Natural Gas Company, 424 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Beaty, Elmer May 16, 1916 Acting Superintendent, Manuftu^turers Gas Company, Bradford, Pennsylvania.
Bedford, A. C May 16, 1916 Vice President, The Peoples Natural Gas Company, of Pitta- burgh, President, Standard Oil C6mpany of New Jersey, 26 Broadway, New York, New York.

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