Profitable Pork Production: a book for Farmers And Swine Growers

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That sweet clover in its first year of growth is equal to red clover, but during the second year the plant becomes too woody for best results.
11. That green rye is very useful as an early spring and late fall pasture. Ripe rye should not be used as a pasture crop for hogs.
12. That an ideal forage crop for hogs should possess the following points: (1). Adaptability to local soil and climatic con- ditions.
(2). Palatability, that is it must be relished by the hogs.
(3). A heavy yielder, it must
... be rich in protein and ash matter to balance up the corn ration.
(4). It must be succulent and last throughout the entire grazing season. Some crops are good only during the spring and early summer months, thus furnish no fall pasture.
(5). Permanency is very desirable as in the case of alfalfa.
(6). Be capable of furnishing quick pasture at any time during the growing season. These essen- tials are not all found in any one crop but alfalfa, the clovers and rape furnish the most of them.
In discussing the various kinds of forage crops each will be considered separately.

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Profitable Pork Production: a book for Farmers And Swine Growers
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