Prophetic Studies: Lectures On the book of Daniel

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Prophetic Studies: Lectures On the book of Daniel
John Cumming
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And if you will be at the trouble to read the Boman Breviary, or the history of the saints that have been canonized by that church, you will find them all notorious for scourging, laceratii^g, and tormenting the body with nettles, spikes, thorns, hunger, nakedness, supposing that there was something essentially and inherently sinful in the matter, aud that only by its annihila-^ tion or destruction, and not by its saifctification, was man to be made &oly and happy and like God. It is certainly ...not unworthy of being noticed on the present occasion, that those countries in which there are the most fast-days, are the very countries in which the Sabbath is least of all observed. You will find, if you read the Boman Catholic periodical press, the Tablet, and other pub- lications of a similar description, the most furious invectives against any thing like an approach on the part of our country to hallowing the Sabbath day. And why? Because they have raised to a level with the Sabbath the ordinances and the com- mandments of men ; and in Boman Catholic countries Good Fri- day is .

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