Prose Remains; With a Selection From His Letters And a Memoir;

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I hope it will be pretty tolerably readable and correct when it does at last present itself. Certainly, if I had tried to translate it myself, it would have had a more Greek tone ; but I don't think we any of us write so idiomatically now as my friends of Charles II. 's time.
You see that we, that is our newspapers, after consider- able bluster, mean decidedly to back out of any quarrelKng with you. The ' Times,' I think, decidedly feels that it took a wrong step, and is walking out of its fron
...t position with all possible celerity.
I hear you have undertaken the kind labour of putting my ' Reliquise ' through the press. If you like to add epigraphs on fly-leaves, you might put before ' The Bothie ' : Pauperis et tuguri congestum cespite culmen; or, Ite, mese, felix quondam peous, ite camen^ : and before the Roman verses — Navibus atque Quadrigis petimus bene vivere.
LONDON 235 To C. E. Norton, Esq.
London: July 11, 1856.
There is a severe review of Macaulay in to-day's ' Times.' I myself like this better than the first pair of volumes, chiefly, perhaps, because it has a more European subject to deal with.

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