Prospectus And Year book : Containing the History, Constitution, By-Laws, List of Officers And Members of the Knowlton Association of America, From Its Organization, With An Account of the First And Second Reunions

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Prospectus And Year book : Containing the History, Constitution, By-Laws, List of Officers And Members of the Knowlton Association of America, From Its Organization, With An Account of the First And Second Reunions
Knowlton Association of America
The book Prospectus And Year book : Containing the History, Constitution, By-Laws, List of Officers And Members of the Knowlton Association of America, From Its Organization, With An Account of the First And Second Reunions was written by author Here you can read free online of Prospectus And Year book : Containing the History, Constitution, By-Laws, List of Officers And Members of the Knowlton Association of America, From Its Organization, With An Account of the First And Second Reunions book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Prospectus And Year book : Containing the History, Constitution, By-Laws, List of Officers And Members of the Knowlton Association of America, From Its Organization, With An Account of the First And Second Reunions a good or bad book?
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To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

This quaint, old document, alluding to our men as ** captivated by their enemies," is preserved in the archives of Connecticut to this day. The peti- tion reads as follows : *• Whereas, Lieutenant-Colonel Selah Hart, of Farmington.
Iiath preferred his memorial to this Assembly, for himself and about thirty-eight other Continental officers captivated by the enemies of the United States of America and confined by them on Long Island, showing to this Assembly that said officers and their families
...are reduced to great distress by means of said officers being hold in captivity, the most of them ever since the 15th of September last, since which they have received no wages or allowances from the Digitized by Google Digitized by ViiOOQIC 57 ' United States, or either of them, and that they have spent all their money, are considerably in debt, and have no nieans ofsubsistance; that they are unable to procure hard money; that paper money or bills will not pay them; praying forxelief, etc., as per memorial and a list of said officers names lodged in the files of this Assembly appears.

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