Protection And Bad Times, With Special Reference to the Political Economy of English Colonization

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The book Protection And Bad Times, With Special Reference to the Political Economy of English Colonization was written by author Here you can read free online of Protection And Bad Times, With Special Reference to the Political Economy of English Colonization book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Protection And Bad Times, With Special Reference to the Political Economy of English Colonization a good or bad book?
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It has fostered and built up certain in- dustries. Yet for many of these other countries have a greater natural aptitude, and, as the recognition of them among other; qualities of neighbouring commu- nities begins to i prevail, 'so do those who personally proaper.i by these wroiig,- industries feel- that unless protecticjn be preserved they wiU suffer personally. In a word, -vested' interests prevent.the:community from enjoying the benefits of the better natural aptitudes of neighboiiring, coun...tries. Thus,, protection has a 194 Other Means to the Same End.
tendency, even if to foster the right industries, ia the same breath to neutralise the benefits of this by setting up cheek by jowl with them the wrong industries.
Free-trade not only fosters the right industries, but it destroys the wrong, if they are previously set up.
And, seeing that in practice economical developments belongs to economical history — free-trade usually steps in in its place as a successor to protection.
The introduction of free-trade has however been opposed on this very ground.

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