Protection Versus Free Trade. the Scientific Validity And Economic Operation of Defensive Duties in the United States

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Protection Versus Free Trade. the Scientific Validity And Economic Operation of Defensive Duties in the United States
Hoyt, Henry Martyn, 1887-1920
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Be- cause community" (commonness) "is realized under the form of value annihilated, and the mind with difficulty lays hold of negations. But I ask, is it not true that when, in order to obtain a certain quantity of sugar or cotton, I give only one tenth of the labor which I should 15 314 PROTECTION VS. FREE TRADE.
find it necessary to expend in producing the commodity myself, and this because the Brazilian sun performs the other nine tenths of the work — ^is it not true, I say, that in that cas
...e I still exchange labor for labor, and really and truly obta,in, over and above the Brazilian labor, and into the bargain, the co-operation of the climate of the tropics ?
Can I not affirm with rigorous exactitude that I have be- come, that all men have become, in the same way as the Indians and Americans, that is to say, grai/uitously, partici- pators in the liberality of nature, so far as the commodities in question are concerned ? . . .
" England possesses productive coal-mines. That is no doubt a great local advantage, more especially if we sup- pose, as I shall do for the sake of argument, that the Conti- nent possesses no coal-mines.

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