Psalms, Hymns And Spiritual Songs: Original And Selected

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Psalms, Hymns And Spiritual Songs: Original And Selected
Walter Scott, Barton Warren Stone, John Telemachus Johnson
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Here they renounce their former deeds, And to a heav'nly life aspire ; Their ra^ for glorious robes exchanged, They shme in clean and bright attire * O sacred rite ! by thee the name Of Jesus we to own begin : This is bur resurrection pledge-r- Pledge of the pardon of our sin.
Glory to God on high be ^iv'n.
Who shows his grace to sinful men I Let saints on earth and hosts in heav'n, In concert join the loud Amen !
Digitized by CjOOQ IC MISCELLANEOUS. 9 SONG 156— C. M.— [CAtiw.
How still and pea
...ceful is the graye.
Where life's vain tumults past; Th' appointed place, by Heav'n's decree, Receives us all at last.
There servants, masters, small and great.
Partake the same repose ; And there in peace the ashes mix Of those who once were foes.
All, levell'd by the hand of death.
Lie sleeping in the tomb, nil God in judgment calls them forth To meet Uieir final doom.
O may I stand before the Lamb, When earth and seas are fled.
And hear the Judg^ pronounce my name, With blessings on my head.

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Psalms, Hymns And Spiritual Songs: Original And Selected
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