Psychoanalysis And Behavior

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1" well and "No. 1" became acquainted with Twoey through the descriptions given her by others.
The two personalities became great friends.
Twoey admired "No. 1" for her superior knowl- edge, her patience in suffering and the lovely quali- ties which she recognized and she willingly took her place to give her rest.
"No. 1" also became fond of Twoey on account of the loving care she bestowed upon her and her affairs and for her witty sayings which she greatly enjoyed.
As Alma Z.'s health improved
..., Twoey's visits became scarce, and only coincided with conditions of extreme fatigue or mental excitement.
Then Alma married and became an excellent wife and an efficient mistress of the household.
One night, however, Twoey re-appeared but merely to announce that she was to disappear and that another personality, "The Boy," would take her place. The Boy submitted to all the duties which Alma had to discharge but when questioned persisted in declaring her male and youthful char- acter. Alma knew Latin, mathematics, and philosophy, she had memorized entire poems by [134] What Music Did Tennyson, Browning and Scott.

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Psychoanalysis And Behavior
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