Psychosphere (1984)

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There was an aftermath, however, inevitable in the wake of any resurgence of his Schroeder and Koenig facets: a scratchy, unreasoning irritability.
Vicki, totally aware of Garrison’s Jekyll and two Hydes existence and as well versed as could be expected in such matters, had coped with the problem in a manner tried and trusted. Namely, she had plied Garrison’s senses with a bottle of dirt-cheap brandy!
Strange how this simple device always seemed to turn the trick, or perhaps not so strange when thought about it.
Bad brandy had been Garrison’s tipple ever since his Cyprus “initiation,” when on occasion, usually after several losing hands of three-card brag, a bottle of one-star had been all he could afford to buy! And so he had actually come to like, even to prefer the stuff.
On the other hand, but of equal consequence, bad brandy had certainly not been Thomas Schroeder’s drink, whose taste had always been impeccable and therefore far more expensive. Nor had Koenig, a born Schnapps drinker (though when the mood was on him he could generally drink anything), ever greatly fancied Garrison’s favorite.

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