
Cover Publication
Michigan. Geological Survey Division
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5. For improving rivers and smaller waterways.
6. In making investigations for the improvement of the plant and animal industries, and in a comprehensive study of physical and biological conditions in connection with the stocking of in- terior water with good fish and the locating of fish culture stations.
7. In locating and mapping the boundaries of life and crop zonesj and in mapping the geographic distribution of plants and animals.
8. In plotting the distribution and spread of injurious ins
...ects and germs.
9. Ag a base map for the plotting of information relative to the geology and mineral resources of the country.
10. In connection with questions relating to state, county and town boundaries.
11. As a means of promoting an exact knowledge of the country and serving teachers and pupils in geographic studies.
12. As base maps for the graphic representation of all facts relating to population, industries, and products or other statistical information.
14. In connection with legislation involving the granting of charters, rights, etc., when a physical knowledge of the country may be desirable or necessary.

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