Purity in Music

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If they are stiffly played, and the singing be harsh, unsympathetic, and screechy, then the mirror will certainly be dimmed, just as it is easy to spoil Goethe's " Iphigenia " by a bare recitation at any speed, a thousand times easier than such a play as " Misan- thropy and Remorse." Although Palestrina, who may fitly in every way be compared with Hemer himself, b e in his wa y un - equalled, an d thu s ha s given h is name to the most per- fect style of Church music, yet it is wrong to regard
...him as at on^e t he beginnin g and^ the end of the grand Churc h sty le. To the earlier German and Flemish musicians — and among the last must be mentioned Palestrina's teacher, Goudimel— belongs undoubtedly the title of Inventor. Thus there rank with Pales- trina those in many instances comparable to him, viz., the Spaniard M orales, whose " Lamentabatur Ja- cobus," was declared by the earliest musical historian, Father Martini, to be the most perfect work known.
Close upon Palestrina also follow two great Church Puriiy in Music.

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