
Cover Quantico
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What reading level is Quantico book?
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The moon hung cool and aloof between thin sheets of blue cloud, casting come-and-go shadows under the trees that fronted the house. He checked the tires and the oil, then did another inventory of the horse trailer’s contents. They were well-packed but there was no margin for error. An accident in this truck would likely prove fatal to anyone within fifty yards.
He moved to the front and opened the trailer’s side door to look at the launcher. It stood just over five feet high, including the plate
...-steel base.
Purity of heart is to will one thing. Kierkegaard.
Everything was set. Except for Tommy. He could not allow Tommy to reach out again. That would be an impurity.
He quietly closed the trailer door and latched it, then put on his own combination lock, a big one.
No sense letting anyone get at the pretty horses.
Sam gripped the vial in his left hand and slowly pushed open the door to Tommy’s room. The small nightlight that Tommy always left on cast a dim but reassuring glow. All the J-Los watched Sam with seductive smiles.

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