Ratio Disciplinae

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Ratio Disciplinae
Congregational Churches in Massachusetts. Reforming Synod, Boston, 1679-1680. a Confession of Faith. 1829
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V. 9.
This principle he applies, on different occasions, both to the treatment of lay members and of ministers. If a private church member, who is corrupt, ought to be brought under discipline; then much more a church member, who sustains the ministerial ofiic^. The Apos- tle, in the fifth chapter of Galatians, speaks of false teach- ers, who troubled that church. In reference to these false teachers, he repeats the maxim of the whole lump and the little leaven ; and immediately adds, " /
...have confidence in you through the Lord, thai ye wiU he none €^trfinse minded, but he, that troubleth you shall bear y Google •r ▲ 1IINI8TB1I« i6d Higju^^mf, whes&ever he be ;" as ranch as to say, BiB firmly believed, the Galatian brethren would bring such persons to account and to^ punishment, wlmteTer might foe their pretenti

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