Records of the Madras Government

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170 150 293 . .
150 126 Records of Fort St. George WT William Tkyon Ch Mate.
AC la 2 la 2 la 2 la 3 Two Casks of Bugles Two Chests of Wine .
£ 00 50 One Bale Canvas of eighteen Bolts 20 One Chest Cutlery Ware Two Cases Stationary One Hagshead Glass Lanthorns and Corks Two Cases Saffron . .
60 40 20 40 Alexb Crie 4 th Mate.
One Cash Braziery & Cutlery Ware Three Cases Saffron - 89 60 On their indulgence.
WH William Halkeston 2 v Mate, Two chests Wine • ■ • -• 60 TH SH Two Boxes Saffron . , ,
... ^ 80 WH One Case Looking Glasses » • •• 15 One Cask Bugles 15 One Bale Canvas qt. 18 Bolts .- 80 William Scott 3 d Mate.
One Chest Bugles Two Bales Canvas One Chest Wine One Hogshead Glass Ware SO 40 26 20 RP ROWE PtTRNELL PURSER.
One Bale Canvas Two Cases Glass Lanthorns and Frames One Box Haberdashery One Box Gold Thread One Case Stationary Ware 20 20 20 60 15 HB Hugh Burnell Surgeon.
One Chest Glass Ware 25 SM 1"'» 3 Stakkey Middleton 5 th Mate.
Three Cases Glass Ware and Corks 25- II John Jeffries Gunner.

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Records of the Madras Government
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