Reflections On the Phenomenon of Rejuvenescence in Nature, Especially in the Life And Development of Plants

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9), likewise ascribes the red coloui' occur- ring in many PalmellaceEe, partly as a normal {Pleurococcusmmiaiiis,PalmeUa miniata) partly as an abnormal phenomenon {Tachygonium, Chloroeoccus, Tiridococxus) to the formation of an orange-coloured oil in the place of the chlorophyll. Probably all these have the power of retaining their life a long time in the dried condition, in Pleuroeoccus miniatus, at least, I am quite certain of it. In the crusts of Protococcus viridis, growing on walls, also, ...the cells of the uppermost layers, most liable, become dried up, often acquire a btownish-red colour, the origin of which is probably to be explained iu the same way.
214 THE PHENOMENON OF against it, since the red colour does not always present the drop-form peculiar to oil. In completely red resting- cells the entire contents (with the exception of the starch- vesicle) appear saturated with the red colour, no separate red drops being distinguishable ; but I sometimes found in the dishes of water in which I cultivated the Chlami- dococcus, resting- cells (diseased ?) in which the brownish- green contents were somewhat retracted from the tough cell-membrane, and between the membrane and contents long flattened drops of decidedly oily aspect and dark yellowish-red colour had been formed.

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