Religious Systems of the World : a Contribution to the Study of Comparative Religion

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' De Errore, ii.
' Against Marcion, i. 13.
» De Errore, xxiiL MITHRAISM. 205 rejoice, exhorting one another to be of good hope ; lights are brought in ; and the priest anoints the throats of the devotees, murmuring slowly : " Be of good courage ; you have been instructed in the mysteries, and you shall have salvation from your sorrows." The parallel to a central episode in the Christian legend is sufficiently striking ; but there is testimony from the same source^ that a similar litiirg
...y was gone through in connection with the burial and resurrection of Osiris.
This, however, was only one of the Mithraic mysteries, presumably cele- brated once a year. We have further records of another enacted at the initiation of every new devotee, and probably repeated in some form fre- quently. Justin Mart)T, in his first Apology,* after describing the institu- tion of the Christian Lord's Supper, as narrated in the Gospels, goes on to say : " Which the wicked devils have imitated in the mysteries of Mithras^ commanding the same thing to be done.

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