Reminiscences By Personal Friends of Gen. U. S. Grant And the History of Grant's Log Cabin

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Louis people who had known him in the dark day prior to the war. They asked each other whether any of them ever had an idea as to the powers that were hidden under the surface of this silent, phleg- matic man. The great military genius, the dominat- ing firmness of character, the fine personal quali- ties, and even the literary ability as shown in his dispatches and in his memoirs, were all there, but OF GEN. U. S. GRANT. 93 dormant, only awaiting a stimulus to waken them into activity — a spar...k to fire them up to warmth and life. The civil war proved to me that spark; without it the genius in him might have slumbered on without awakening, and what was hidden in him might never have come to the surface. Had he been in the possession of a snug little office, with sufficieint income to live comfortably with his wife and children, independent of his father-in-law, it is at least a debatable question whether, at the out- break of the war, he would have shaken off his easy-going indolence and volunteered into the ser- vice.

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