Reminiscences of Fifty Years in Christian Service

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The proposition to give the annual conferences the power to elect the presiding elders got such a bruising that it has hardly stirred since that d^y.
At Washington I heard Dr. J. M. Buckley preach, on Sunday morning in Metropolitan Church, and, with a letter of introduction from Dr. John P.
Newman, called at the White House Monday morning and enjoyed a conversation with Presi- dent Grant.
When I joined the conference, and for some After the Revival. 151 time afterward, I was not absolutely sure
... that God had called me to preach. In times of physical exhaustion and nervous depression the devil would torment me by telling me that I had no right to preach and that I had committed the fearful crime of running as a messenger for the Great King before I was sent. Of course, I did not recognize the satanic origin of the suggestion ; I was not sure that it was not from the Holy Spirit. These thoughts came to me in the physi- cal and mental reaction which followed the thir- teen weeks of revival labor at Palmyra.

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