Report of Proceedings of the Cooperative Congress, volume 6

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Report of Proceedings of the Cooperative Congress, volume 6
International Co-Operative Alliance
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— Janovink.
Yes. The most eminent co-operators are to be found in the upper classes. However, since recently the leaders of the working-class movement take an active interest in co-operation. — Kirschanek.
VIII. Are your agricultural and industrial classes in a position to carry on co-operation without assistance from the upper classes and from officers of central institutions ?
Small people in Hungary are generally unable to form and lead co-operative societies without the intervention of men
...of the educated classes. But we must mention that Digitized by Google 409 small farmers have proved abler co-operators than men of the industrial classes, though even these are not less in need of the help afforded by co-operation. We can proudly attest, that even among peasants there are men with almost no education at all, inclined and able to manage business in co-operative societies in the most unobjectionable manner and with great enthusiasm. — Kohsvdry.
Yes. Only there is the difficulty of the many different languages spoken in the country, and there is no good hand- book which might tell people how to conduct co-operative stores.

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