Report of the Railroad Commissioners

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Report of the Railroad Commissioners
New Hampshire. Board of Railroad Commissioners. [from Old Catalog]
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No one seems to be responsible for this accident and it could not have occurred, if young Press had not voluntarily taken this dangerous position on the car.
B. F. PRESCOTT, For the Board.
State of New Hampshire.
In Board of Railroad Commissioners.
Concord, November 30, 1892.
Investigation at Concord, November 28, 1892.
J. W. Fellows appeared for the railroad ; Messrs. Sargent & French appeared for the friends of Mr. Bombard.
Witnesses : Howard B. Pace and Albert P. Corliss
..., of Nashua ; William N. Finley, Hudson ; James J. Sullivan and W. L. Davis, of Concord.
E. Bombard, conductor of freight train No. 13, on the Concord & Montreal Railroad, was fatally injured in the yard opposite the pas- senger station in Concord, at 11.30 o'clock p. m., October 24, 1892.
On the arrival of his train from the south he sent it to the upper end of the yard to deliver some cars to the Northern road, and leaving his buggy went over to the telegraph office in the passenger sta- Digitized by Google RAILROAD commissioners' REPORT.

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Report of the Railroad Commissioners
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