Report of the State Entomologist On the Noxious And Beneficial Insects of the State of Illinois

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Hind legs slender, and til^ae having weak sjjines.
B. First two segments of antennae with black markings Ijeneath.
C. First joint of antennae with a single straight black line on the inside beneath, second joint with two parallel lines beneath; third joint of maxillary palpi nearly or quite as long as fourth and fifth united; pale yellowish; wings much longer than wing-covers; wing-covers flattened above, transparent, and very narrow; the abdomen and leg not marked with black.
Q^canthus forhesi
....-f CC. Third, fourth, and fifth joints of maxillary palpi subequal.
D. First and second joints of antennae each with a single mark.
E. Wholly pale whitish green, with a single dot on under side of each of first two antennal joints (Fig. 231, 4); wing- covers about twice as long as abdomen, wings as long as wing-covers (E'. niveus.
♦Prepared by E. S. G. Titus.
tCan. Ent.. Vol. XXXV., p. 260.
218 EE. Pale greenish white, generally with a brownish yellow spot on top of head; wing-covers very narrow, sides almost parallel, wings about as long as wing-covers; the first joint of antennae with J-shaped mark beneath, the hook turning inward, mark on second joint elongate and slightly curved (Fig.

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