Report of the Trustees of Oak Dale Cemetery to the Mayor And Trustees of the Corporation of Urbana And to the Trustees of Urbana Township

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The book Report of the Trustees of Oak Dale Cemetery to the Mayor And Trustees of the Corporation of Urbana And to the Trustees of Urbana Township was written by author Here you can read free online of Report of the Trustees of Oak Dale Cemetery to the Mayor And Trustees of the Corporation of Urbana And to the Trustees of Urbana Township book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Report of the Trustees of Oak Dale Cemetery to the Mayor And Trustees of the Corporation of Urbana And to the Trustees of Urbana Township a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Report of the Trustees of Oak Dale Cemetery to the Mayor And Trustees of the Corporation of Urbana And to the Trustees of Urbana Township book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

14. No coffin shall remain in the receiving vault more than two months, unless by special permission of the Trustees, and, in all cases where required, satisfactory security must be given for the removal of the bodies.
15. Horses must not be left loose, nor must they be fastened to trees. They must be either held, or fastened to posts provided for that purpose.
IG. No running, jumping, or other sports or levities, or any thing incompati- ble with the proprieties of a Cemetery, will be, in any c
...ase, allowed.
17. No person will be allowed to drive or ride over, in any way, any parts of the grounds, excepting the avenues and such parts as may be designated for such exercise.
18. The use of fire arms will not be allowed in the Cemetery.
1. Rksolved, That we reserve from sale all the lots on sections 50, 51, 57, 58, 55, 56, G2, and 63, until needed for interments, excepting Kenton Square, and tbe societarj- group on section 56.
2. Resolved, That we reserve all the lots within the circle of Kenton Square, and all the societary groups, from separate sale for the term of ten years.

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