Report On the Zoological Collections Made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean During the Voyage of H. M. S. 'alert' 1881-2

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473, pi. xvii. fig. 1 (1881) ; Cat. Austr. Crust, p. 290 (1882).
The following is a description of the principal distinctive charac- ters of this species, taken from male examples bearing Leach's label in the British-Museum collection :— The segments of the body and uropoda are covered with a very short stiff pubescence. The head is transverse ; the eyes are borne on the rounded postero-lateral lobes, which are encased in notches in the anterior margin of the first thoracic segment; the median
...frontal lobe is subacute and projects between the bases of the antennules. The first thoracic segment is slightly longer than the following ; its antero-lateral processes are acute ; thef postero-lateral rather blunt, with the posterior margins slightly hollowed out ; the second thoracic segment is rounded, but narrowed on the sides ; the third and fourth subacute, the fifth less acute, and the sixth and seventh broader and rounded or subtruncated. The dorsal process of the penultimate postabdominal segment is simple, straight, its apex scarcely acute ; it does not project far beyond the distal end of the terminal segment, which is rather more distinctly granulated and has on its upper surface two prominences, situated one on each side of the dorsal process of the penultimate segment ; the notch in the middle of the posterior margin is rather deep and as broad as deep, and is divided by a median subtriangulate lobe.

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