Reports of Cases At Law And in Chancery Argued And Determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois 19 (November Term, 1857, January Term, And Part of April Term, 1858)

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The book Reports of Cases At Law And in Chancery Argued And Determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois 19 (November Term, 1857, January Term, And Part of April Term, 1858) was written by author Here you can read free online of Reports of Cases At Law And in Chancery Argued And Determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois 19 (November Term, 1857, January Term, And Part of April Term, 1858) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Reports of Cases At Law And in Chancery Argued And Determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois 19 (November Term, 1857, January Term, And Part of April Term, 1858) a good or bad book?
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To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

1854, one William J. Henry interpleaded under the statute, and filed a bond conditioned for the conveyance of the lands attached, by Hankins to him, and produced notes referred to in such bond, showing the payment of the purchase money therefor.
Whereupon, said interpleader being unanswered, judgment was rendered in favor of Yanmetre and against Hankins, (pur- porting to be on notice published,) by default, for $141.13f damages assessed by a jury.
Afterwards, at the October term, A. D. 1856, a
...judgment was rendered against Williams, the plaintiff in error, for $150, without the filing of interrogatories or answers thereto. Said Williams, garnishee as aforesaid, and plaintiff in error, brings this cause here to reverse said last mentioned judgment.
C. H. Constable, for Plaintiff in Error.
0. B. FicKLiN, for Defendant in Error.
Caton, 0. J. This record seems to be beset with errors from beginning to end, a bare statement of which will be suffi- cient.
In the first place, it does not appear that the seal of the court was attached to the writ, for which reason it was void.

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