Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Admiralty of England, And On Appeal to the Privy Council. 1859-1862

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and that here the damages are nominal only. The arrest of the ■^P"' ^°- vessel for the sum of 6/. was an oppressive proceeding.
On the 25th of April, the Right Hon. Dr. Lushington de- livered judgment.
Judgment. This is a cause of towage brought by the steam-tug Lass o' Pleadirgs. Gowrie against the Martha and her owners. It originates out of a transaction which took place on October 19th, 1860. On the part of the owners of the steam-tug it is alleged that the master of the Martha engaged the s to tow her from Sea Reach to Davis's Wharf, and agreed to pay 6Z. in money, and to sign an order on the owner of the wbarf for payment by him, according to custom, to the owners of the steam-tug of the amount due for towage from Gravesend to the said wharf; The petition further pleads that the master of the Martha paid the Ql. but refused to sign the order or pay the amount ; that 5Z. is the usual amount ; and the prayer is to condemn the steamer in the sum of 5/. and costs. The answer denies that any agreement to sign the order in question was entered into, and alleges that the master of the Martha agreed to pay 6/.

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