Retail Store Management Problems

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In addition, where could the principles which Mr. Leffingwell has applied be utilized?
466 store MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS B. ADVERTISING Selling 19 Crompton Department Store — General Advertising Policy Department store advertising presents many variations in both practice and policy. Some stores use only institutional advertising, infrequently mentioning merchandise in their copy, but instead trying to build up a reputation by telling the public of the strength, history, and general policie
...s of the store. Some firms go to the other extreme and use no institutional advertising, devoting all their space to describing the goods that are for sale.
In this class, however, the stores are even further divided, for one group may describe only the general quality of all the goods which they carry, while other firms may describe specific goods.
Then there is the question of using comparative prices. Many stores refuse to use such expressions as "Price $8.95, Value $10.00," or "Was $20.00, Now $16.48." In other stores such phrases are the main "stock in trade" of the advertising depart- ment.

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