
Cover Revival
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My Mother’s Story. The Terrible Sermon. Goodbye.On a warm and cloudless midweek day in October of 1965, Patricia Jacobs popped Tag-Along-Morrie into the front seat of the Plymouth Belvedere that had been a wedding present from her parents and set out for the Red & White Market in Gates Falls—“She gone groceryin,” the Yankees at that time would have said.Three miles away, a farmer named George Barton—a lifelong bachelor known in town as Lonesome George—pulled out of his driveway with a potato dig...ger attached to the back of his Ford F-100 pickup. His plan was to drive it a mile or so down Route 9 to his south field. The best speed he could manage with the digger attached was ten miles an hour, so he kept to the soft shoulder, thereby allowing any southbound traffic to pass safely. Lonesome George was considerate of others. He was a fine farmer. He was a good neighbor, a member of the school board, and a deacon of our church. He was also, as he would tell people almost proudly, “a pepileptic.”

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User Reviews:

Guest 4 years ago

Not too bad but not tok good, book wore on and on and was NOT a thriller or horror. Electricity is not exciting in the least.

Guest 6 years ago

This is equivalent to fuck

Guest 6 years ago

is the book any good

Guest 6 years ago

trash 6 stars

Guest 6 years ago

cyka blyat

Guest 6 years ago

Col nice read boomo

Guest 6 years ago

it aight

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

Ok you for doing it for free

Guest 6 years ago

why this site came as free ?

Guest 6 years ago

why not able to open fully?

Guest 6 years ago

good book sad when the kid and mother died though

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

This book sucks

Lindokuhle 6 years ago

Am sorry for this comment...the site Is so very good but now I can't read books

Lindokuhle 6 years ago

How do I read them...when I click on read it tells me about longing in
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