
Cover Riveted
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Källa had informed her that she could move through the camp as she liked, and Annika took full advantage of it. Still, she found little in the way of weapons or to use as a means of escape. The furnace could create a possible distraction, as could piercing the pipes that carried heated water through the chambers, warming the air—a safer method of heating in the enclosed spaces than multiple stoves would be, unless the water flooded everything.
She paused once, frozen as a small tremor shook the
...ground. A muffled cracking sounded from deep below. Annika was accustomed to quakes, but not while walking through tunnels of snow. She hurried outside.
In the clearing, she was relieved to see that none of the tunnels had collapsed. The sky was clear overhead; the airship had already gone. She hoped that Lorenzo kept his promise and sent Phatéon’s cargo to Vik, but didn’t trust that he would. Why give them food then threaten to kill them all? He could just as easily lie, say the cargo had been delivered, and she and David would have no way to know.

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