Rock Cleavage ..

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Rock Cleavage ..
Leith, C. K. (Charles Kenneth), 1875-1956
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Gannett and, in 1885, Dr. Vickery, became assistants, bringing the teaching force up to six.
Next year Dr. George B. Shattuck was made instructor in clinical medicine; but after 1888 his name is not found in the catalogues, except in connection with the medical ward visits, of which some further account will be given below.
In 1889-90 Dr. F. C. Shattuck succeeded to the Jackson pro- fessorship, which had been vacant since the resignation of Dr.
Edes in 1886.
Under Professor Shattuck, in 1889, s
...erved : Dr. A. L. Mason, Instructor and next year Assistant Professor.
Dr. W. W. Gannet, Instructor.
Dr. G. M. Garland, Instructor.
Dr. C. F. Withington, Assistant.
Dr. H. F. Vickery, Assistant.
In 1892 Drs. Garland and Withington retired, and Drs. Henry Jackson, Vincent Y. Bowditch, and Augustus S. Knight became assistants, bringing the total teaching force up to seven and next year to eight (with the appointment of Dr. George G. Sears).
One more assistant (Dr. John L. Morse) was added in 1897-98, after which there were no more changes until 1900.

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