Rodeo Nights

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Two old friends, sitting side by side on the top rail of the fence, boot heels hooked on a lower rail to balance. Two old friends watching the slow-paced afternoon activity in the arena. Two old friends chatting about this and that.
    “This is comfortable,” Kalli said out loud.
    It was comfortable. Over the past week, she and Walker had worked together with an ease that rather surprised her. Maybe for the first time in all the years they’d known each other, their abilities could complement
...each other. Walker’s low-key approach balanced Kalli’s lightning-quick responses. Kalli’s honed business sense gave structure to Walker’s rapport with the rodeo community.
    They’d made mistakes when they’d been married. Such basic mistakes. He hadn’t communicated with her and she’d expected to remake him.
    But they’d both grown up.
    He’d certainly learned to see—and look forward to—a life after rodeo.

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