
Cover Rogue
The book Rogue was written by author Here you can read free online of Rogue book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Rogue a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Rogue book?
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I whirled instinctively toward the sound of Ryan’s voice the instant I heard it. I should have known better. In the far corner of the basement, my second-born brother stood gripping the steel bars of the cage, staring over my shoulder with his eyes wide in warning.
Shadows shifted on the wall in front of me. Clothing whispered behind me. A foreign heartbeat echoed in my ear. Hot breath stirred hairs on the back of my neck. I spun to face my foe. I was too late.
My eyes found his as his foot hit ankle. He swept my feet out from under me. My ass hit the thick blue mat with a muted thud. My teeth clicked together, one side of my cheek between them. Sucking on the wound, I glared up at my opponent.
Ethan grinned down at me, peering through green eyes a shade brighter than my own, and my frown melted. I’d never been able to stay mad at the youngest of my brothers; he was too damn cheerful. But such was not the case with the black sheep of the family.
“Damn it, Ryan,” I snapped, twisting to glare at him over one shoulder.

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