Romancing My Love (Love in Bloom: the Bradens) Contemporary Romance

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The book Romancing My Love (Love in Bloom: the Bradens) Contemporary Romance was written by author Here you can read free online of Romancing My Love (Love in Bloom: the Bradens) Contemporary Romance book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Romancing My Love (Love in Bloom: the Bradens) Contemporary Romance a good or bad book?
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He’d had a damn hard day. He’d sat through too many meetings, strategizing over the potential acquisition of the Grand Casino, a local property that he’d been eyeing for three years. Not to mention that he’d forgotten to turn on his phone that morning and missed calls from both his mother and one of his brothers, and when he’d called them back, they’d given him crap about it. The last thing he needed was to be fawned over by his employees, but when you owned most of the happening digs around Ren...o, and several more around the world, there weren’t many places he could go unnoticed. King’s Bar was a dive on the outskirts of town, and he hoped, a place he could just fucking relax.
    He was crossing the dance floor to the bar when the scent of Curious—a perfume he hadn’t smelled in a decade—wafted past, trailing a hot, curvy ass, which was attached to a woman blazing a path toward the door. He didn’t blame her. The place reeked of alcohol and testosterone.

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Romancing My Love (Love in Bloom: the Bradens) Contemporary Romance
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